Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fitness Trail Redux

To be sure, this is a busy time.  So let’s review the proposed Fitness Trail and we can get on to other topics.  Here is some clarification since the initial feeler was put out.  A resident committee member came up with the idea.  A visit was made to the Dwyer Center to get input.  The images were then created to offer a clearer understanding. More input will be gathered from the Dwyer Center folks and people that use the walking trail now that the images are available.

I believe this will be reviewed again in January. Any thoughts or questions, please contact Clete directly at

Thursday, December 12, 2013

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Proposed Cahoon Park Exercise Trail

On Monday a proposal for a Cahoon Park Exercise Trail was reviewed.  Three 22' square exercise stations spaced around the existing walking track. Each station would have one sign describing the type of exercises that station was designed for. The stations are constructed out of recycled plastic, with a total cost about $20,000 to be raised through sponsors who will be thanked on the signs.

One idea is for these fitness stations to provide fitness activity for people that use the walking trail and that aren’t on sports teams.  These images were rendered to give people a better idea of what it would look like.  The stations are spread out so as not to impede lake views.

This is in the planning stages and Councilman Clete Miller would appreciate feedback, input, questions, etc. He can be reached by email:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"It isn't the money, it is the idea"

I have been attending meetings more frequently and see the time and effort put in by Council. I must admit, I have a new respect for them.  Their raises are well earned, the work is evident. We do need to chip away at seemingly small amounts of money spent because it does tend to escalate.

At Monday’s meeting it was discussed that Mr. Ebert's base rate is $175/hr; paralegal work is billed at $100/hr.  Because Mr. Ebert spends more than 30 hours a week, the City may have to offer him health care.  Add to that an employee of his law firm spends 4 hours a week as an HR consultant for Bay Village, an arrangement that will eventually be formalized.                                                                                           

Is it fair for the residents to scrutinize this situation?   An issue taken in stride or as a matter of fact by Council confounds the citizens.  Sometimes there is difficulty believing there is no alternative. As Councilman Tadych said in a June meeting when Council raises were discussed, ‘it isn’t the money it is the idea’. In some cases it is both.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Council Meeting 12/9/13

Many issues were discussed last night: too many to cover in one post.  So, for today:

The budget is still being fine-tuned and closing in on expenses.  Revenue still needs discussion and public input is essential. Fees, property taxes, income taxes will be scrutinized.  Be prepared, there is no avoiding an increase in one or more of these areas.  The next meeting is this Friday 12/13 at 4.The budget will be done monthly until revenue concerns receive public input.  If you cannot attend and have ideas, concerns or recommendations, contact your council person.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Rezoning Ward 2

At the Planning Commission meeting tonight, an agenda item for Chapter 1158 B of the Codified Ordinance was removed due to the election results.  This is in regards to the rezoning of the Cahoon properties, which was voted down last month.
Questions concerning the comments Gary Ebert made in the Westlife in November were asked.  The commission assured everyone that for this issue to be placed on the ballot again it has to go through Council.  That is procedure.  Speaking of procedure, it came to our attention tonight that when the condo issue was originally presented, the Planning Commission was not made aware of it.  They are the committee this should have gone to first.

Questions abound, one being why was this re-zoning of Ward 2 being fast tracked?  Why would someone bypass the very Commission designed for the specific purpose of review of such issues?

Ward 2, be diligent.  It was pronounced a dead issue.  I look for its’ resurrection.