Thursday, October 30, 2014

Posting not required?

Yesterday I made a public records request for the posting of the Property Maintenance Inspector position.  I heard from the law director that it was not posted because it was not required to be posted.  So, it comes back to the question, why didn't Mr. Ebert or Mayor Sutherland simply state that when questioned about it? I am confounded by this.

Even though we trust that they know what they are doing – does that mean no questions should ever be asked? Could it be hubris on their part? When did elected public servants stop serving? It’s not like there are hundreds or even double digits of people at these meetings asking thousands of questions that they cannot possibly answer at the time.  Just give us an honest and understandable explanation. This manner of response, which happens frequently, is deplorable.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Property Maintenance Inspector Hiring

No matter whether you feel we need a Property Maintenance Inspector or not – something appears dubious with the hiring process.

Councilman Dave Tadych asked last night what the deadline was for applying for this position. He had received a call from someone asking that question and said he did not know the answer.

Mayor Sutherland “The position is filled.”  Mr. Tadych “It’s posted though isn’t it?” Mayor “It’s filled.” End. of. discussion.

You may recall a similar exchange took place last week between Mr. Henderson and Law Director Ebert, in Mayor Sutherland's absence.   "Was this position advertised?" asked Mr. Henderson. "Yes." When questioned further “You advertised before it was authorized [by Council]?” Mr. Ebert replied "No."

Monday, October 27, 2014

Fitness Trail

On tonight’s agenda is the fitness trail that has been proposed for Cahoon Park. I am passing along to you some resident’s comments regarding the trail. Bay resident Barry Tyo is one of 2 men that have developed this proposal. 

Mr. Tyo has presented Council with a letter stating his relationship/employment with the company Fitness Trails America. Mr. Tyo is forgoing commission for Cahoon Park.  It has been made mention that if Cahoon is successful, similar setups would be considered for Reese and Bradley Park. Some are hoping Council will consider these other parks for the initial installation. Concern is twofold. Some people just do not want anything in Cahoon Park no matter what pains may be taken to preserve the integrity of this lakeside jewel and view. The other concern is that this park will be used as a promotion tool.

There has been discussion for over a year to create a survey to determine what people would like in terms of fitness options for Bay. Since no survey has been yet created, if you want a voice in this call Karen Lieske with your thoughts on this topic.  440-871-3642. Please leave a message if she doesn't answer.You could also email your Council representative.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may also send an email to Joan Kemper, Clerk of Council, and ask her to read it into the record.

Mr. Tyo’s letter and Propsed Fitness Station drawings:

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Highlights of the Committee Meeting that begins Monday 10/27 at 730:

Further discussion of NOPEC Gas Aggregation Program. Gas aggregation allows a government to get a better price for its’ residents. This must go to a vote on the May 2015 Ballot. Oddly enough, 2 public hearings will be held after the vote, not prior to. It was stated that this is the way Ohio law works. Questions or concerns – now is the time to raise them. If the vote is passed, and there is confidence it will be, you will just be given answers and information and your concerns will not matter.

The Oct. 6 meeting, Charles Ramer was introduced to discuss NOPEC. An audience member had concerns about fracking. Q - You mentioned that one of the variables depends on the Marcellus Utica Shale Program. Can you comment further on that?

Mr. Ramer – That is such a tremendous resource. There is such a volume of gas that is going to be generated by that area of the state that the volume of gas is going to be much less expensive buying it from Mahoning County than buying it from Henry Hub Louisiana.

Q – And that is where there is fracking?

Mr. Ramer – We don’t really have a policy on fracking. All we have a policy on is the natural gas that we purchase is the least expensive. There are still some very competitive rates out of Henry Hub Louisiana. Wherever it is least expensive; that’s where we buy our gas.

Q – It’s just the idea that there whole area has been fracking.

Mr. Ramer – I’m not certain that by participating in this program you are not promoting any particular type of technology.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New Property Maintenance Manager Position

Monday, a vote passed to create the position of Property Maintenance Manager. At Monday's meeting when our law director was questioned 'was this position advertised?' his response was yes. When questioned further 'you advertised before it was authorized [by Council]?' The answer became no. And yet the job description, salary and individual are ready to go.

This was a position the city had prior to contracting with Safebuilt. When Safebuilt came along several city employees lost their jobs. They were to be given first consideration should a position open or be created within 18 months. It is my understanding that the day after the 18 month period is up; the Property Maintenance Manager begins his job. This would mean that during this 18 month period the job description and person hired had already been decided upon. The timing is obviously no coincidence.

When this was discussed previously it was stated that the money for this position came from other phased out positions. In actuality it appears more like the money is just being shifted as city crew duties were shifted.

The salary is $58,000 and the position will be dedicated to disputes and house to house maintenance issues. So - spruce up or get a letter, then a warning, then a fine...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

More Truth in Recycling

This statement is taken from the Mayor's letter to residents in October's city newsletter. "Your donation is tax deductible if your items are of excellent or good quality and if you have a receipt." This is false. It was made crystal clear at the Sept. 8 meeting that all conditions of clothing, shoes and textiles have value.

Tasha's comment to the Mayor's statement: "This is not true.  Your donation IS tax deductible if your items have a resell value and if you have a receipt. Many donation venues (house pick-ups or donation bins) receive donations sight unseen. A blank receipt is given from the house pick-up and many bins have a qr code to receive a receipt. (Yes, Special Olympic bins have a qr code/website to receive a receipt. It is the responsibility of the donor to fill in the receipt amount. Also at the end of the newsletter, the left over donations that do not specifically "clothe the needy" are sold by most organizations collecting textile donations and the revenue from this unused clothing they received from the public is what also funds their cause. The important part of a donation being tax deductible is donating your items to a charitable center or donation bin that outlines the donations are tax deductible."

Truth in Recycling

Oct. 7 was the first day of curbside textile recycling.

During the Sept. 8 committee session, after Tasha Sherman addressed her concerns regarding misinformation given by the city about the Simple Recycling program, she was asked if she would submit a paragraph to be included in the city newsletter or recycling flyer that all residents would receive. She did. It never appeared, but, I have it here:

"Your textiles & shoes of all quality & condition are very valuable to the legitimate organizations that solicit these items to be donated via Donation Centers, Clothing Donation Bins, Missions, Churches, and Manned Donation Trailers, just to name a few. These organizations rely, in part, on the revenue generated from the sale of these recyclable materials to fund their cause, program or mission, locally or nationwide. Worn, torn, tattered & frayed - all of your textiles can be donated to your favorite organization collecting these items, in effect to be eventually recycled. If you have no preference or inclination of where to take your donations or discards, please help us keep these items out of our landfill and place them properly bagged on your curb on the designated waste removal day.

Tasha is a professional with years of experience in the textile recycling industry.

to be continued...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Town Hall Meeting 9/30/2014

Last night was the Town Hall Meeting with Wards 2 and 3, Karen Leiske and Paul Vincent.  The meeting began with discussion of finances. This is the same information shared at the Town Hall held by Tom Henderson and Dave Tadych.  For details on this information contact your council person.

Council would appreciate your input on attached housing as Chapter 1158 is still being worked on.

The deer population was discussed. This subject continues to come up which tells me it is time for Bay to do their research on this matter. This topic had the most comments for the night.  One audience member questioned if Bay has a plan should a deer shot with an arrow in Avon Lake wander into Bay and die.  They did not know of a particular plan.

An audience member questioned the need for storm sirens. Although a couple of council members are in favor of them, the cost is appx. $25,000 each and the city would need 4.

They are working toward having audio of the council meetings available online. Video is too costly. I questioned if there was anything to prohibit Joe or Jane Citizen from recording a meeting and putting it on youtube until such a time the city does so.  Outside of mentioning that the quality or sound may not be very good, they do not want it to be disruptive.

The city is hiring an inspector for $79,000 to bring back door to door and sidewalk inspections. This was stated as an effort to maintain and care for your homes and the community. This was also mentioned at Monday’s council meeting. The money is coming from other positions that have been reduced to part time.  Someone questioned me as to why this did not fall under Safe Built. I don’t know enough about those particulars to have that answer. Again, I defer to your council rep. I do know residents have mixed emotions on this type of home scrutiny.

In attendance was David Greenspan who is District 1 Cuyahoga County Council. He was questioned in regards to aiding the city in working on the Master Plan.  He stated the county does offer assistance and grants for this.  Our Master Plan was last done in 1999.

Gratitude was expressed for Dick Majewski and Conda Boyd. I agree – bravo and thank you! Dick puts in countless hours as a member of the Planning Commission and attending other meetings. His input and knowledge is critical to what keeps our town moving. Conda is also a constant attendee that scrutinizes and questions and offers valuable insights.

It was suggested Town Hall Meetings be held with Council every 3 months and the audience would like answers and follow up to concerns expressed at these meetings. Some said these meetings were better than Council meetings - which they felt can be intimidating. Others stated they are not intimidated nor did they care if they were told to sit down at a meeting :) 

And… the chocolate cake with chocolate frosting was really very good.

More on Deer

"Bay Village police recorded 33 deer-vehicle accidents over the past year."