I offer you a few highlights from 2014. Scroll through the Facebook page and find the original posts, articles and the discussions with
much more detail on these and other subjects. Still relevant topics, I
encourage you to continue to comment and get involved.
January - Two Plain Dealer articles focus on Councils from
several communities suspending the 3 reading rule. Bay is guilty of this
practice. As one example, in 2013 between April and June, Bay passed 20
different ordinances on the first read under suspension of the rules. This year
Council has a better response to the public’s concerns. I often hear
Councilwoman Karen Lieske remind Council that the public wants the 3 readings.
Also, when Council does elect to suspend the rule, they now take time to
explain the reasons.
February – Discussions continued regarding a Regional Fire
Department. New bicycle laws were brought forward. To date, further
implementation of the bicycle laws seemed to have been dropped.
March – Town Hall Meeting with the focus being the sewer
bill increase.
April – The State of the City address was presented by Mayor
Sutherland in Westlake with a $20 fee to attend on a weekday in the middle of
the day.
May – Joan Kemper won the raffle organized by the Fireworks
June – Bay Village got a new Safety Director. The process
was questioned because it had not been discussed publicly and was not noted on
Council's agenda.
July – Discussion among residents regarding the proposed
equipment at Cahoon Park walking trail. Residents also spend time discussing
the deer population.
August – Fire regionalization committee met, discussions put
on hold. Ward Meeting with Ward 4 Tom Henderson and Ward 1 Dave Tadych.
September – Questions regarding the Simple Recycling project
and the misinformation presented by the City. Coincidentally, clothing donation
bins disappear around town. Signup for Ready Notify; an emergency notification
system. Wards 2, Paul Vincent and 3 Karen Lieske hold a Ward Meeting.
October – Discussions on hiring a Property Maintenance
Manager. No clarity on whether the position was posted or not or had to be or
not. NOPEC gas aggregation program introduced.
November – Celebration for the 100th anniversary of City
Hall and the first meeting Council held in the building. Discussions on
creating a part-time Human Resource position. Geoff Westerfield of the ODNR
speaks to residents and Council regarding deer problems. The Mayor wants to ban
smoking on City property including parks. The City holds a poorly advertised
and poorly attended Town Hall Meeting. The motion to install exercise equipment
at Cahoon Memorial Park passes – even though the project should have gone
before the Planning Commission, it was not referred. The Mayor announced that
along with City Directors they have streamlined the Planning Commission
December – Proposal for Civilian Dispatch. The removal of
long time public servant Dick Majewski from his seat on the Planning
Commission. This occurred coincidentally, or not, after he questions how the
process for approval for Bradley Bay extension and Crestview Development got
messed up. The question remains - who is responsible for that screw up?