Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Deer Culling

Let's talk deer culling. Culling and killing - a fine line. First it is my opinion that the bow hunting legislation recently passed in Avon Lake could never be an issue in Bay Village. Our lots do not have the acreage or farm land present as in Avon Lake.  Our Mayor says we do not meet the ODNR standards to implement culling measures. But one must wonder - what if we did meet the standards? We might someday if the population of white-tail deer continues to increase as it clearly is. Why can't we start a sterilization program now to head this off at the pass?

As for today, citizens of Bay are concerned for two reasons. Our city borders Avon Lake and our shared Walker Road Park where culling will be allowed. Tom Henderson Ward 4 Council has stated that he will work to assure that deer stands in Walker Road Park are positioned so they are facing west as opposed to any arrows being shot to the east potentially into the yards of those bordering the park. The second concern comes from animal lovers.

Avon Lake has determined that due to the negative impact the white-tail deer has on public safety issues; vehicular accidents, destruction of habitats, carrying disease and parasites, and damage to public and private property, that culling of the white-tail deer by bow hunting is a necessity. Helicopter surveys where deer were counted show apx. 220 deer in Avon Lake. Fifty would be the norm for a city that size.

In July Dave Tadych and Tom Henderson attended a 3 hour Council meeting in Avon Lake when this hot button legislation was approved. By all accounts, this was a much debated issue with passion siding against the legislation. The City of Avon Lake believes all concerns are outweighed by the need to do something.

Points of the new ordinance:

1.Individual must have an Ohio Hunting License.

2. Must apply for a permit to bow hunt in Avon Lake. Once the permit application is received, neighbors will be notified. The police dept. will visit properties and decide on a case-by-case basis if destruction warrants a permit.

3. Must have a deer stand (an elevation 10 feet off the ground).

4. The individual must have Ohio Hunter Education Course credentials.

5. Hunting could occur outside of the hunting season if the owner obtains a deer damage control permit through the Ohio Division of Wildlife and a municipal deer control permit thorough the city.

6. Hunting is not allowed with firearms or other weaponry.

7. Processes are in place for removal of the carcass.

However, from what I have read, it sounds like any of these amendments are at the discretion of the Police Chief.

Although some have stated speed is the problem with the deer car accidents, one can hit a deer going 25 mph and it can total a car.

At our Town Hall meeting concern was raised that deer may not fall immediately but run injured and die somewhere else. Avon Lake addresses this with the knowledge that this could happen and they will have to handle each scenario as it arises.

Last week an Avon Lake Council Member suggested that smaller lots need an effective way to minimize deer traffic and that paintballs may be the answer. Read the article re: "polka dot deer" http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2014/08/29/oh-deer%E2%80%88scare-paintballs/

Bay animal lovers have offered to council alternative measures to cull the deer. They do not want to see deer killed by what could be painful ugly deaths. http://www.wildliferescueinc.org/

Some people still believe Lyme disease is not in Ohio, but it is and is increasing and deer carry that tick.       http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/stay-informed/news-announcements/post/new-information-available-about-the-emergence-of-lyme-disease-in-ohio

I was searching for the meeting minutes of the July meeting Tom and Dave attended. They are not up yet on Avon Lake's City site. What I did learn though is that Avon Lake videos meetings. A meeting from June 30th is available to watch. It does address the deer culling. http://avonlake.pegcentral.com/player.php?video=fbd31b64d9c634811ff2f5fb3c70aced

I look forward to a recording or at least the transcript for the July meeting from Avon Lake soon. I also look forward to the day when we can watch Bay Village meetings online! Every other city is moving in that direction! Let's do this Bay!

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