Wednesday, November 20, 2013

15 Days

15 days ago a precinct in Ward 2 that would be most directly impacted by proposed luxury apartments voted down the project.  15 days ago.

15 days is all it took for Bay Village Law Director Gary Ebert to say in today’s Westlife “the conditions are there for a development project to move forward, if people want it to.”  I find this so absurd I am almost at a loss for words. Almost.

The people spoke a mere 15 days ago– check the election results. For your convenience, let me sum it up:  THE PEOPLE DO NOT WANT IT – that is my understanding of a no vote.

So go ahead, one more person tell me to move on, to get over it, to let go.  I almost wiped the slate clean during Monday’s Council meeting.  I was ready for a fresh start.  Then take today, 15 days after election and first I see the Asst. Service Director article (with my concerns listed below) then I read this. Yes, my eyes hurt.

So when anyone wants to know why over 2,500 people want this administration gone, I submit arrogance of office is at the top of that list.

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