Saturday, November 16, 2013

Financial Forefront

At times like this I want city government to be more entrepreneurial and less political.  We have to reimagine tough economic times.  Reinvent ourselves and our resources.

One area I’ve always wondered about is Claque Parkway Plaza. There appears to be potential in and around those 4 storefronts.  Is there a way to maintain the existing businesses and attract a developer, a new industry?  Has this area reached its potential?

Has Bay Village reached out to towns of similar sizes and economic status and with particulars that mirror ours?

Has Bay Village pursued more innovative programs for our shared community spaces?

A major step would be to eliminate the border between public and government. City wide town hall meetings would be a great arena to exchange ideas.  There are no bad ideas or questions when brainstorming ….an idea fair, if you will.   Town hall meetings being more informal than a council setting may bring people and knowledge out.  We will never know if we don’t try. Engage youth and young adults in community decision making.  Sponsor a youth conference to envision a debt free future.

We could also transform the city website, using a corporate model for resident service and take it to the next level so questions and feedback can be submitted.  Since our society communicates differently today with increased technology, this may enable the ability to respond in an effective fashion.  Additionally many that would not offer input or ask a question in public may do so in this type of forum.

To truly scrutinize where to cut expenses we would need access to the paper trail, the actual receipts and bills instead of just the financial summary for the month.  Only then can residents offer support and decipher waste.
As one example; I cannot see the breakdown from these statements who has a city funded vehicle, the cost of the leases,  fuel,  maintenance, and  insurance.  It may be a minimal amount yet removing that perk would make a difference and send the right message.  Could more of the police force be on bicycles on warm days - conserving fuel while sending a positive message?

Here’s what not to do – from what I’ve read about cities that have suffered tough times, do not borrow money.

The Oct. 16th blog entry “Bay Village Issues” and comments also reflect on this problem.  Under “Village Issues” from Oct. 15th, among other ideas Scott suggests since we have the waterways and the lake we build hydro-electric power generation.  He also suggests renting the gun range.  He agrees that a think tank for the purpose of generating income is an idea whose time has come. 

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