Friday, November 28, 2014

Civilian Dispatchers

Mayor Sutherland wanted to add $260,000 to the 2015 budget to allow for civilian dispatchers. This had been discussed with the Mayor, Police Chief and Finance Director but not Council. As President of Council, Paul Koomar pointed out “Council has not been a part of that. Council’s job is to appropriate the funds. Mr. Koomar stated he is not comfortable with increasing police costs by $260,000 in perpetuity.”

Mayor Sutherland commented that just because the money is there doesn’t mean it is going to be spent. Whereas Mr. Koomar advised that once the money is there, it must legally be spent. Surely administration knew this.

Data is not available, the move hasn’t been vetted, Council hasn’t been involved but that was all fine as the Mayor implied administration’s position should be enough.

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