Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Roadwork Turmoil

There was confusion in the committee session which spilled over to council when it came time to vote on an additional $70,000 to continue repaving in front of the high school. Dave Tadych asked “This change order on section 8, does it include the $70,000?” Dwight Clark said it did not, that amount is included under section 9. With that in mind, everyone voted to pass the ordinance.

Next up the vote on section 9.  Tadych “Are we sure the $70,000 for Wolf Rd. is in this one and not the other one. I think the $70,000 is on 8 and we were misled” Tadych says he voted to pass 8 under the idea the $70,000 was on 9. He would rather the money go to sewer improvements.

Council takes a moment for clarification and confusion. Clark “I can only presume, I don’t have anyone else here to tell me otherwise, from administration, so it would have been in 8.”

With this information Tadych says he voted to pass 8 under the idea the $70,000 was on 9. He wants to know “how do we get my vote reversed then?”  Ebert advised he would have to move for reconsideration. Tadych made the motion, Lieske second and Henderson third. The motion for reconsideration failed 3-3.

Tadych: “It would have been nice if we would have had someone here from administration to tell us what we were voting on” 

Ebert: “I’m not the finance director.” 

As if this wasn't confusing enough, Cleveland.com wrote about it - leading Councilman Tadych to recant his "misled" statement. 

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