(10/17 FB post) I, like so many of you, have this thing
called a day job. I do not always have the time to share my ponderings about
the meetings I attend. We live in an era where there is this thing called a
mashup – defined as “a mixture or fusion of disparate elements”. From various
meetings beginning September 14th through October 12th, in no particular order,
enjoy my mashup.
Microphone Project: (10/12) A review of the equipment fact
sheet proposal by JAVS.
The entire system is controlled by a tablet or pc. The
League of Women Voters is willing to add the cost of the tablet to the current
equipment estimate of $17,957. If the city approves the proposal, the LOWV will
meet to revise their budget and change the amount of the donation to include
the tablet. Bravo!
The system can be extended to include video without a lot of
additional equipment; it would require a software upgrade.
The Mayor stated (9/21) that the project would include
wiring the conference room and having 2 microphones that would come in and out
with the Clerk of Council. This proposal showed microphones would be mounted.
Because of the privacy concerns of Mayor Sutherland, Paul Vincent is seeking
more information. You can review the entire proposal here: http://www.cityofbayvillage.com/media/277853/2015_-_services__utilities_committee_minutes_10-12.pdf
Tale of Two Ordinances: Ordinance regarding Unsolicited
Publications and an Ordinance regarding sidewalks to be cleared of snow and
The Unsolicited Publications Ordinance came about as a
result of a couple of complaints about snow blowers hitting phone books that
had been tossed in the snow or covered by snow and the residents not knowing
they were there. Westlake created a similar ordinance that was defeated.
Ordinance to have the sidewalks cleared if a resident failed
to do so and the cost of such had been the topic of much discussion. A resident
raised the concern that the current draft of this ordinance did not address
corner lots. Once a resident shovels and the service snow plow truck piles back
on, what is the fairness of requiring a resident to remove it? The fees, if the
city had to remove snow after a resident had been warned were heavily debated.
The mayor, the law director and some members of council
sited residential snow removal as a safety issue for children around the
schools. It may be a safety issue for dog walkers and joggers, but I can tell
you – living where I live, I know that when a flake falls, children are driven
to school save for very few, if any walkers.
Both ordinances were removed at this time. Steve Lee stated
he believed it beneficial to learn from our neighboring communities about
programs that work rather than go forward with something people are not
comfortable with.
Online Ordinance Codification: The Walter Drane Company has
updated the city’s ordinances for 2015. Paul Vincent had proposed the city
change to Municode. Mr. Ebert stated the city has used Walter Drane for a long
time and would like them to have an opportunity to make a presentation.
Erosion of Glen Park Culverts: A resident spoke at two
meetings about this concern on his property.
Service Department: Due to General Foreman Gordon Evans
retirement, the new supervisor will be David Banjoff. Also, the sewer
maintenance supervisor will receive an increase because he will be placed on
call. Scott Thomas feels it is important to have 3 supervisors on call instead
of 2. Tom Henderson thanked Mr. Thomas for the job descriptions included with
The city is required by the state to begin taxing gaming
winnings even though Bay Village is a charter city.
The Green Parking Lot Project began October 6th with hopes
to be done in 4 to 6 weeks depending on weather.
Bay Days fireworks and rain date approval: The mayor has
long been opposed to a rain date due to the coordination of staffing issues and
overtime. If there is no rain date and the fireworks are cancelled due to
weather, the fireworks company retains half the cost and the other half of the
money goes to the fireworks fund for the next year.
Tis the season for budget and finance discussions…
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