Friday, May 15, 2015

Walker Road Park Deer Culling

I attended a meeting held by the Walker Road Ad Hoc Committee on April 21st. The purpose of the meeting was to give an overview of the Avon Lake deer management program and seek partnership with Bay Village to cull in Walker Road Park.

Facts and figures and comments:

Avon Lake’s cull over 2 nights took 16 deer and resulted in 670 pounds of meat donated to Second Harvest.

Initially 30% of Avon Lake residents were in favor of culling. Now, 60 to 70% of residents in Avon Lake want something done.

Avon Lake deer carcass pickups through the years: 2011-32; 2012-48; 2013-89; 2014-105
The results of Avon Lake’s 3 helicopter surveys in 3 separate years showed an overpopulation of deer. Increasing in numbers, officials fear more deer human conflict. The concern of the committee is safety for residents.

The audience, comprised mostly of Bay residents commented.  One said she has never seen a deer in Bay or the park, while another resident from the same area sees as many as 15 a day make their bed in her yard 3 feet from her windows. The sentiment ranged in favor of culling, doing nothing at all, finding compassionate methods and other interesting suggestions.

The following statement was made at this meeting by Mr. Reitz (Avon Lake Public Service Director) and days later retracted by Mr. Reitz. Taken from the meeting minutes: “Mr. Reitz stated that the habitat in Avon Lake is going to change this year because Holly Hill Horse Farm on Krebs Road (30 acres) has been sold to a developer, which will increase the deer problem.” I and another resident posted the statement heard at the meeting. We immediately removed the posts when told this was a rumor. I learned of miscommunication and Mr. Reitz corrected himself “Holly Hill Horse Farm has not been sold.” To be clear; there was no creation of a falsehood on my part or by the other resident that posted information heard at the meeting. 

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