Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Who's on First?

Council wants to move off the discussion about recording equipment with the assertion it will happen and that should be the current focus. I am not easily moved. I enjoy sharing my experiences with you; I do not enjoy when someone comes along and makes it seem like an illusion.

I follow the process. I attend meetings. I research and reference meeting minutes and newspaper articles. Yesterday I had an email discussion with Renee Mahoney (Finance Director) re: recording equipment.

Mrs. Mahoney tells me she is the one that stopped the project from going through at this time.

For those that have been following, bear with us for a little background for those that have not. You will be glad you did.

May 4 Mr. Vincent announces the LWV donation of funds is to be presented. Mrs. Mahoney states the Mayor does not want microphones in the conference room. She agreed Council appropriates the funds “but I sign the purchase order and I answer to the Mayor.” Mrs. Mahoney further stated that “the Mayor’s thought is to have all the meetings in Council Chambers”.  These are the only points Mrs. Mahoney discusses at this meeting in the Mayor’s absence.

May 18 was the first mention of concern over only one vendor and a desire for due diligence. When I questioned the Mayor regarding the logic of the delay, Mrs. Mahoney was seated next to her. Mrs. Mahoney’s entire email explanation was not offered up that night, even though the opportunity was provided.  I do not dispute the reasons she wants to look at other options. In my email to her I told her the eleventh hour move made these intentions suspect. Even in yesterday’s May 19 article, the Mayor never states any concerns other than hard wiring the conference room and a desire to add video.

It seems like what caused the administration to suddenly step up was the realization that this was actually going to happen and they did not like the definitive terms of the donation. Their inaction to this point was due in part to the fact that they were “not aware that the LWV was truly going ahead with the donation”. And there you have it. Not aware. It was not a secret. I do not understand why they were not aware.  A promise of a monetary gift to the city and administration does not find it important enough to follow through and stay on top of the process to secure the desired outcome. The very idea appears to have been dismissed. No one at city hall takes time to prepare – until the check is made out. Have we missed out on other gestures because someone thought they already knew the outcome?

Yes, Renee, as you stated, you do answer to the Mayor. This is on her. Mrs. Mahoney’s intentions are pure, but with utmost respect to Mrs. Mahoney and her hard work and valid points, when we hear them after the fact - I call shenanigans.

I do believe the projects will eventually happen; no longer the point. It is but a glimpse into how things may or may not get done – no matter the project.

The question was raised about the Mayor’s relationship with the League of Women Voters. It is not a secret the Mayor does not have respect for the Bay Village Chapter.

Taken from Mayor Sutherland’s re-election Facebook page:  (she named names, I replaced them with Xx’s)

“Re-elect Mayor Debbie Sutherland: With members like Xxxx and Xxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxx, you just have to wonder what the heck has happened to the Bay LWV.

Re-elect Mayor Debbie Sutherland: The LWV no longer apperars [sic] non-partisan and objective. We have valued them for guidance and wisdom in the past, but the current group, Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxx, and Xxxxx Xxxxxx have undermined any confidence in the LWV due to their active participation in the mayoral campaign.”

One of the members singled out is on the Cleveland Board and recently has been named to the National League of Women Voters' Money in Politics Committee. Only 10 members are chosen from a national pool of scholars and legal experts. 

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