Paul Vincent: Did we pour the concrete? Scott Thomas: Yes.
Vincent expresses concern over the safety.
Mayor: We can take a look at it. I also wanted to mention
when this got installed, I just wanted to say, it was installed without my
knowledge and Scott’s. We try to foster creativity and initiative down the
ranks and I think somebody did that and they forgot about the process that we
have at the top. So, it gives us an opportunity for a little training and we
can certainly take a look at stabilizing that.
Dave Tadych: Who picked the spot?
Mayor: Well Dave we don’t know.
Paul Vincent: If we do accept it can we decide on a
different locale? It’s up to us right?
Mayor: Yes. You can talk about what you want to do.
Me: I was at last week’s meeting and I listened to the
recording three times and what was said this evening about the sculpture and
what was said last week are different stories. I am a little upset by it
because I think it is indicative of how we get around things. I don’t know
which version is true but I certainly hope that - because in either version
procedure was bypassed – council holds somebody accountable for what happened
with the sculpture.
Another audience member: We know that someone actually put
the statue and the concrete around. Have you talked to those gentlemen? Scott
Thomas: What we have done, I’ve had a short conversation and I’m still backtracking
to find out how myself and the mayor didn’t know about it.
I don’t think it is any longer a discussion about taking the
sculpture down or where to move it or by who and how it got placed as much as
it is to acknowledge that no matter who ends up taking the fall - the ultimate
responsibility is on the city, “the top”, and the violation of the ordinance.
Yet, the resolution last night was accepted by 5 of 7 Council/ Cahoon Park
Trustees. Karen Lieske and Tom Henderson voted no.
The resolution reads, in part, “The Council hereby accepts
the donation of a wooden sculpture to the City of Bay Village Recreation
Department with an estimated value in excess of $100.00.” I confirmed this
morning that the ordinance has not changed. If the donation is “in excess of
$100.00 it shall be submitted to Council…or forwarded by boards or agencies
receiving such offer.”
As the mayor stated last week she was approached by the
artist. She looked at it. It was on her to “submit to Council” or the Cahoon
Park Trustees. It no longer really matters if you believe some service dept.
people acted on their own which is probably highly unlikely. What matters is
the city ignored the ordinance and the council members that voted yes - also
ignored the ordinance.
there is no way that some rogue city employees decided to put this thing up in a burst of creativity and independent thinking. They don't work like that. All jobs have a work order and a time sheet. I bet no one from the city even did it.