Tuesday, September 29, 2015

On The Matter of the Sculpture

If you do not want to hear another word on the sculpture, stop reading now. It was never the look of the sculpture, or the fact that someone wanted to give the city a gift that I took issue with, so all of you implying that – stop it.

It was the procedure, or actually the lack of procedure that I addressed.

I am clear there are more important issues surrounding us. 1158 – Attached Housing, 1129, the City’s Master Plan, downspouts and flooding to name but a very few. To be honest, these things get complicated and confusing and often times I hesitate to write about them because of that. This is why, a saga, like the sculpture where the story line is clean and apparent can be used as the example.
Change the word sculpture with any of the other issues and the principle remains the same. If administration cannot follow a donation properly, it concerns me that we trust them with the heavy decisions like 1158, 1129, the City Master Plan….

The mayor said tonight that she knew there was discussion by council to possibly move the sculpture to another location in the city. And, that they were planning on putting landscaping around it, but they will hold off on that in case council decides to move it. So at what point was landscaping decided on – before or after they did or didn’t know the sculpture was there?

I overheard the mayor say tonight that they know who placed the sculpture and there will be no repercussions – it was an honest mistake. She believes it got blown out of proportion. It is fair that many of you agree with her.

I am glad there will be no consequences for the service employees involved. When I said I hope someone was held accountable, I never meant someone from the service department, I meant the mayor.

Call me crazy but I think she gets it. I don't know if it will change anything but this was more than just a mystery, I'd like to believe it was a good lesson.

Updates soon on 1129, 1158, the Master Plan, etc and so on.

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