Saturday, January 2, 2016

Cahoon Park East Barriers

Mayor Sutherland presented an idea for making sure the shoreline at Cahoon Memorial Park East was “a little bit safer”. Safety Director Scott Thomas came up with what Sutherland said “will be a great and attractive idea” with treated wood posts that act as bollards and “big thick rope” which would be able to stop forward action of a vehicle.

This barrier will extend 220 feet across. Thomas stated the posts will be placed about 10-12 feet apart, three feet into the ground with gravel instead of concrete so there will be a little bit of give and it won’t snap. Council President Koomar questioned if the rope was of a particular strength. Thomas replied it is two inches in diameter. It has been strength tested, but he did not know the PSI on it though he felt sure it was very high. Koomar would like information on the strength. While this is being placed the temporary cement barriers would be removed. They have already ordered the rope and would like to install later this fall.

As an example, one section is up at the park.

(November 4, 2015)

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