Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Records Retention Laws

Dec 17. 2015

The Records Commission is comprised of the Mayor or her designee as chairman, the Director of Finance, the Director of Law and a citizen named by the Mayor. A secretary “shall” be appointed who does not have to be a member of the commission and will serve at the pleasure of the commission. The commission “may” employ an archivist. (One thing I learned from attending meetings is there is a difference when using the words “shall” versus “may” – still not sure what the difference is but it has been the topic of much discussion) + ("Shall" means the requirement is mandatory. 

"May" means it can be done, but isn't mandatory."

The Records Commission will have two scheduled meetings per year “which will allow the City to dispose of obsolete and unimportant records according to retention schedules.” On November 2, 2015 Mayor Sutherland stated that the change of Codified Ordinance Section 148 Records Commission originated with a change in state law. Further she stated that the City needs to be consistent with what is required by the state.

A new records retention ordinance was adopted 11-23-15.

A meeting of the Records Commission will be held on Friday, December 18, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. at the Bay Village City Hall, Conference Room. Agenda: Review of RC-2 Retention Schedules – Various Departments Review of Records Disposal Schedules.

The ordinance and the new amended ordinance can be found here: 

The regulations provided in the Ohio Revised Code are here:

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