Question 2.) Is it self-serving? Is it to limit the
participation and challenge of Mayoral candidates? Was this an appropriate time
to introduce the idea given the chronic discussion and outsourcing or
downsizing due to budget cuts? Is it groundwork for the direction the Mayor
wants to go in?
3-19-12 Charter Review meeting opens the door to forms of
government. A City Charter allows flexibility to choose novel types of
government structures. Mayor Sutherland notes that there are City Managers in
and around the state. My research shows there are 4 City Managers in Cuyahoga
County out of 57 cities. None from our neighboring west shore communities. The
Mayor and Mr. Cruse who both know City Mangers state that they will invite them
to come in and speak to the commission.
This administration has steadfastly stated its positive
results and accomplishments under the current Mayor and Council form of
government. Yet the feedback in the room seems interested, positive regarding
this idea.
4-2-12 meeting, the Mayor gives a Power Point presentation
defining a City Manager form of government. Including:
“City Managers are compensated on a contractual basis. The
average length of stay is five years. It is very competitive and the
urban/suburban compensation ranges from $120,000 to $180,000 annually, plus
benefits. In some of the very rural communities it is more likely that it will
be in the $75,000 to $100,000 range"
In the end, the current form of government was not changed.
For now. I have more questions.
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