Saturday, October 19, 2013

Law Director

Since someone else brought up the subject of the Bay Village Law Director here is what I know.  Most of which can be found in City Council Meeting Minutes. 
  • 1982 Prior to a position in politics in Bay, the future Law Director tried to break the Cahoon will in order to build a Marina in Cahoon Park.  This venture would include boat docks, restaurants, shops and a causeway. 
  • 1986 Ebert becomes a Councilman then is appointed City Law Director and switches from Democrat to Republican; Mayor Sutherland did the same after she became Mayor.  Flashback to the 70’s when Mayor Cowles told an employee that becoming a Republican was a requirement.   This appears to be true. I have to ask: Why?
  • 1992 The City tried to break the Cahoon will.  The City took it to court where the suit lasted until 1995.
  • 2004 The Mayor hired Kent State Urban Design to plan a shopping area to connect Bay Square with Dover Junction.  The proprietors of the existing shops found out much later that such a plan was being drafted.
  • I believe these issues, especially the Cahoon Will, will resurface. I see a recurring theme.  Can anyone else read between the lines?
  • Another individual reported a 6 figure salary for the part-time Law Director.  The ordinance for compensation reads  “In addition said Law Director or his law firm shall receive additional compensation at an hourly rate as shall be approved by the Mayor  upon statements duly rendered for services..”  Hourly rate in addition to a salary.  What is the hourly rate?
  • The Law Department should be issuing an annual report to City Council.  I've been unable to see that report but if someone can produce it, I'd like to read it. 
  • Why isn't the Law Director an elected position?  How was the decision to place it on the ballot blocked?  Were City funds spent to keep it off the ballot?
  • It has been proposed that the City hire an HR Consultant.  The person under consideration is the Human Resources Manager for the City of Westlake and an associate at the Law Firm of Seeley, Savidge, Ebert & Gourash.                                                                                                                    


  1. A marina in Cahoon Park would be AWESOME!

  2. In light of the above documentation, seems the time is long overdue for a neutral "party" to look into numerous events/behaviors transpiring within the current administration at city hall... all funded with the tax money of ALL citizens(and Debbie was not elected unanimously). Citizens ought to wonder/question the reasons why our taxes are consistently being raised with no evident consideration of the benefit to Bay's citizens. Quite the contrary, analyzing past behaviors and expenditures of this administration, we see, among other things, an attempt to break a generous gift of former residents who valued the natural beauty of our city and had the foresight to preserve it for future generations..Thank God the Cahoon's will could NOT be broken.,,but how much of the residents' tax money and the administration's time was wasted trying to negate a gift enjoyed by many residents. I am sure this is only one tiny example of what goes on behind city hall doors and within the mayor's well documented "closed sessions" of city council meetings,although it is stated "All are welcome in council meetings". The result of her closed council sessions is she and council, whom we elected, accept no input nor notifiy the citizens,most of whom seem sadly apathetic as long as the city looks pretty, of council and mayoral proceedings. That exclusivity benefits the mayor and her cronies, but is not beneficial to citizens who are concerned and others who might be concerned if they were aware of what is transpiring. Do Bay citizens know she hired a Human Resources director from the law office of the law director? How about utilizing/hiring some unbiased personnel instead of city hall personnel "Yes"ing each other. For the good of the city/citizens who are paying high taxes, not for the benefit of mayor, we need some "outside" UNconnected and UNprejudiced/impartial professionals offering diverse opinions, IF the mayor would even consider their input. Politics often gets a bad rap and Bay City Hall is a prime example of the reason why.With the mayor's reportedly much higher poltical ambitions than being our mayor, the city would be better off if she attained them sooner rather than later. At least the current mayoral "race" has educated far more residents to what exactly is transpiring in our city government. Most citizens love our city's beauty and the status quo rather than observing, if it were ever possible, the workings of our mayor's office ensconced behind doors not open to Bay's citizens. Transparency benefits all, but is sadly lacking in the current administration.

    1. The percentage of legislation passed on the 1st read, suspending the charter rules, council rules and with the entire emergency clause-
      Three year average-90.38%
