Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bay Village Issues

My answer to the question: What do you think is the most pressing issue facing Bay Village these days? Finances. Bay Village is not alone when it comes to pressing issues of finances.    It is easy to make cuts. The difficulty is to maintain, increase and generate revenue.   This is most pressing and therefore cannot be separated from other issues.

Lack of vision for our citizen base of all income levels.  Lack of nurturing the sustainable middle class neighborhoods.  Elitism when organizing committees. We aren't flush with commercial revenues so we are more vulnerable and need to be more entrepreneurial and less political.

Has the city explored creative options to generate income? 
Adopt a road, City sidewalk sale, better utilization of community gym.

Focus groups to lure and fill business gaps.  Focus groups to brainstorm anything.  Our students would be excellent resources for ideas because they think outside of the box.

What about forming a small cooperative movie theater in the empty lot on Wolf since we can’t go to the pool on Sundays, rainy days or year round.  Or if the underground work is there, attracting another small gas station?

Make Bay Days better.  It gets thinner and pricier every year.  How can the city make more money from this event?

Stop with the large cost studies. Do your own homework.  Go after more grants, more volunteerism.

Attract new businesses with minimizing risk to existing businesses.  Generate more support  and awareness for existing businesses and local groups. Why isn't the Village Foundation better supported?   How many residents know it exists and its mission?  I took an impromptu survey of only 10 people I knew in Bay.  8 had no idea – why is that? 

Can the town have a fundraiser for itself?

Is the city paperless for employee time sheets and pay stubs?  How about offering interested employees unpaid days off?  3 to 5 a year?

Can the Mayor pass on a raise?

Have service vendors been approached for discounts?

For many reasons our residents are not involved or concerned. 

A derisive attitude from the Mayor.  Disregard for public opinion and the voting process.  Of which I find highly insulting.
In November 2012 the city voted against regionalization.  Sutherland stated she would go forward anyway and added: “ Sutherland said she did not interpret the defeat of the ballot issues as a rejection by voters of the concept of regionalizing city services. Instead, she expressed her belief that voters were confused by the ballot language.” “Unless the voters actually took the time to thoroughly read the material that was provided to them via the city publications, I think it was very confusing.” When voters are confused by an issue, normally they vote against it, she said.


  1. In 2012 the city bonded the purchase of a new pumper truck for the fire department. The purchase order was not issued until 2013 by the new finance director. Why the delay? How was the large sum of (-420k) carried on the books and year closed?

    In 2011, the city bonded 50K to upgrade the telephone system. The project has not gone forward. Has the city located the actual bids submitted? What is the status?

    Why were bonds issued for the city pool and community gym that were not callable?

    1. The entire process to outsource the building department was not open and transparent. Request the City Council Minutes for March 4th and 11th, 2013.

  2. In 2012 the city decided to implement ADP for payroll processing, anticipating a December 2012 completion. The implementation stopped. Why? What was the cost to the city in money and employee time?

  3. Has the city paid for all studies and reports prepared by Cleveland State University?
    If so, what was the total expense(s)?

  4. The city charter indicates there is to be an annual estimate of supplies and materials on hand. None was ever done prior to 2013. See the city charter. Charter section 9.1 Annual Estimate.

  5. Finance Director Steve Presley responds to public record request regarding staffing/vendors and includes SSN/Tax Payer ID numbers. The director is suspended for 3 days, but work without pay.

  6. The 2014 Tax Budget was submitted using the correct format. Why did earlier submissions not use the correct format?

  7. In 2010, why were there monthly charges ($25.90) for AOL service on the city's Key Bank Corporate Credit Card? Did the city pay law director, Ebert's AOL account, if so for long?

  8. CITY WEBSITE: What company designed and implemented the city's current website? Who owns this company? Who is currently doing the updates?

  9. Bay Village employees Landers, Popovich, Gordon, Sears are among the city double dippers and triple dippers. Is this legal?
    Have their salaries and benefits been adjusted?

  10. Nepotism: Law Director and son-in-law. Jim Sears and son. Police Chief Halliday, his wife and child to just name a few.......

  11. Should the city continue to maintain school athletic fields?
    Should the city continue to not collect sufficient funds to cover expenses for the maintenance and repair of the soccer and ball fields?

  12. The recreation commission should be setting fees (BV C.O. 142.06) and with the review by the mayor and council. Where are their minutes posted?

  13. Why isn't large, long term debt put ion the ballot? (Community Gym, Police Station, Pool). Residents have not had input as to what they want and the long term debt the city assumes.

  14. Grants are available. Why isn't the city going after more of them? Rocky River has been very successful with grants.

    1. FROM THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER 2013 ENDORSEMENT: "Fiscal stewardship is the hallmark of Deborah L. Sutherland’s 13-year run as Bay Village mayor. She treats public money with the same penny-pinching prowess as if it were her own "


      2007 General Reserve Fund transfer (15,440,000.00) exceeded 5% limit as defined by Bay Village C.O. 125.47.
      2013 Auditor's finding in 2011-illegal move between funds $395,500.
      2013 Auditor's finding in 2012-three $30,000 illegal moves

    2. Housing stock is a big factor in keeping Bay Village a desirable community to live in. In the mid 2000's the city hired a part time person to inspect the exterior of all homes in a four year cycle. Was this implemented and completed?

  15. Why does the city have an annual sidewalk inspection program?
    Would the manpower be more cost effective in inspecting homes?

  16. Why did the roof repairs to city hall begin before posting and city council passing legislation?
