Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Village Issues

Interesting thought. What do you think is the most pressing issue facing Bay Village these days?


  1. Finances. Bay Village is not alone when it comes to pressing issues of finances. It is easy to make cuts. The difficulty is to maintain, increase and generate revenue. This is most pressing and therefore cannot be separated from other issues.
    Lack of vision for our citizen base of all income levels. Lack of nurturing the sustainable middle class neighborhoods. Elitism when organizing committees. We aren’t flush with commercial revenues so we are more vulnerable and need to be more entrepreneurial and less political.
    Has the city explored creative options to generate income?
    Adopt a road, City sidewalk sale, better utilization of community gym.
    Focus groups to lure and fill business gaps. Focus groups to brainstorm anything. Our students would be excellent resources for ideas because they think outside of the box.
    What about forming a small cooperative movie theatre in the empty lot on Wolf since we can’t go to the pool on Sundays, rainy days or year round. Or if the underground work is there, attracting another small gas station?
    Make Bay Days better. It gets thinner and pricier every year. How can the city make more money from this event?
    Stop with the large cost studies. Do your own homework. Go after more grants, more volunteerism.
    Attract new businesses with minimizing risk to existing businesses. Generate more support and awareness for existing businesses and local groups. Why isn’t the Village Foundation better supported? How many residents know it exists and its mission? I took an impromptu survey of only 10 people I knew in Bay. 8 had no idea – why is that?
    Can the town have a fundraiser for itself?
    Is the city paperless for employee time sheets and pay stubs? How about offering interested employees unpaid days off? 3 to 5 a year?
    Can the Mayor pass on a raise?
    Have service vendors been approached for discounts?
    For many reasons our residents are not involved or concerned.
    A derisive attitude from the Mayor. Disregard for public opinion and the voting process. Of which I find highly insulting.
    http://www.cleveland.com/bayvillage/index.ssf/2012/11/bay_village_mayor_deborah_suth_3.html In November 2012 the city voted against regionalization. Sutherland stated she would go forward anyway and added: “ Sutherland said she did not interpret the defeat of the ballot issues as a rejection by voters of the concept of regionalizing city services. Instead, she expressed her belief that voters were confused by the ballot language.” “Unless the voters actually took the time to thoroughly read the material that was provided to them via the city publications, I think it was very confusing.” When voters are confused by an issue, normally they vote against it, she said.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! There are more ideas where that came from!

  3. That was awesome. You should run for Mayor. A think tank would be a great idea with the sole purpose of generating income.

    Today I donate clothes to 4-5 organizations. They take my free product, sell it, and donate 9% to the charity and pocket the 81%. I think we should start or own charity with clothes and furniture - we make money and eliminate garbage pickers on big trash day.

    We have several waterways and a lake. We should build hyro-electric power generation.

    We should equalize the property taxes as new home owners pay a higher price than older values plus appreciation.

    We should get our ROI on the million dollar gun range and rent it out.

    We might consider a flat fee per resident to move power line underground so we keep our 100 yr oaks and make power more reliable.

  4. Thanks for reading. I know our town is overflowing with workable profitable ideas. We are a resource that hasn't been tapped yet. We need to do a better job of making our ideas heard.

  5. Did city council and the Cahoon Memorial Park Trustees have a quorum when they voted to lease Bayway Cabin to Kiddie Kollege?

    1. The 2014 Tax Budget was submitted using the correct format. Why did earlier submissions not use the this format?

    2. Why was health care coverage different (not premiums) for employees not part of the collective bargaining unit?

    3. What is the city's record retention policy addressing offsite storage and electronic backup of paper documents? Who is responsible and how is this being done?

    4. Adjourning to Executive session for "personnel". A repeated violation of Sunshine laws.

    5. Is this what you call good government?

      Is this what you call best practices?

      Is this what you call ethical and legal?
