Monday, October 28, 2013

Charter Review - Question 1

In 2012 the Charter of Bay Village was reviewed for updates, amendments, revisions. The commission appointed by the Mayor, reviews the entire Charter and is assigned specific sections for revision and new sections for inclusion. The Mayor states because of the changing environment in the city, “it is important for the city to have the flexibility to set up the administration as it sees fit.” The Mayor stated that this particular Charter Review Commission has the opportunity to transform the charter into a great, flexible document. The model charter provided by the Mayor contains that ability for flexibility.

Question 1.) Wouldn’t the concept of flexibility go against the point of having an established legal document such as our City Charter? We need to keep up with change and movement but isn’t Charter Review the time and place to update and set new norms in motion? Why the need for such flexibility? The flexibility reference comes up many times in these meetings. Keep in mind this statement – “for the city to have the flexibility to set up the administration as it sees fit.” I believe this comment lays the groundwork for Question 2.

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