Friday, October 18, 2013

Mayor 101

  • Remind yourself often it takes a village.
  • Discuss public issues in a public forum.
  • Remember the citizens pay your salary. Speak to them and listen to them with the same respect you would any employer.
  • When your opinion or agenda is opposed, this is an opportunity to discuss and learn and counsel, not a reason to suspend or fire.
  • When attending council meetings, give the speakers and audience your full attention.  Put the ipad, laptop or other electronic gadgets away.  Not everyone is interested in sports, if they were they would be attending or home watching the game.
  • You can’t have an open door policy with a closed mind. Open door policy is moot when decisions are already made.
  • If you see a van in front of your house in the wee hours, or any hours, get a plate number, call the police.   If you do not do that you put yourself, your family, and your neighborhood at risk.  If no one is identified, captured, arrested, and charged, you are not in a position to name individuals you thought might have been involved.                                                       


  1. In a recent article, Sutherland refuted an accusation that the city may have paid for her education to obtain a masters degree stating she paid the $36K her self. I think a more appropriate question should have been: How many times did she use a city vehicle, on or off city time to go to school and how much of the homework was done in her ivory tower at city hall on city time?

  2. Employee Debbie Sutherland.

    Be honest.

    Your credentials state that you are a "Bay Village Native".
    Public records obtained show the following:
    Your parents lived at 15618 Leigh Ellen Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio until they sold the property in March of 1958. Your parents then moved to 10700 Riveredge Drive in PARMA, Ohio in May of 1958. They moved to Bay Village, Ohio in October of 1963 to 20800 Lincoln. Debbie you were born in 1954.

    Bay Village Native?

    Is there anything else on your credentials that is questionable and/or extremely elaborated on?

    In the real employment world employees can be terminated for filing false information on job applications and disqualified for false information on resumes.

  3. Why does the 2010 Semi-annual campaign finance report for Debbie Sutherland contain a $950.00 expense for "Ethics Hearing" paid to McTigue & McGinnis LLC Columbus, Ohio?

  4. Why were uniformed police officers and a detective present at the League of Women Voters Mayor's Candidate's Forum? Who paid for this and why was it necessary?

  5. Why does the mayor always give the State of the City out of the city first and not to residents....for free? Like at a town hall meeting?

  6. Why was the city administration NOT supportive of the Historical Society's sponsorship of the Bay Village Bicentennial Celebration and its gift of the Cahoon Barn copula?

  7. 2013 Campaign accomplishments?
    Bond rating improvements- the literature claims there have been 2 bond rating upgrades while in office. In checking, one was due to a large estate tax infusion of cash and the city hired an outside consultant to help prepare their request for the upgrade. The second was due to the changes in how the bond ratings for cities were derived, and not an actual upgrade. This was communicated to all municipalities.

    1. Mayor Sutherland has an association with campaign manager, Patrick Omalia who was hired after the 2008 County Commissioner campaign to work for the city of Bay Village in the service department and in 2012 was then hired by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.

    2. Bay Village Mayor Debbie Sutherland slanders a business...
